Digital Nomad’s Survival Guide in the Age of Pandemics

Being a digital nomad in the ever-chaotic age of pandemics can be a challenge. But let me tell you something, with a pinch of grit, a good dose of adaptability, and a meticulous plan, you can make it work. How do I know? Well, I’ve lived it and I’m here to share my precious expedients learned from my journey so far.

Table of Contents

Embrace the Power of Technology

Throughout my life as a digital nomad, technology has been my most reliable ally. It’s the lifeline that connects us with our work, families, and the world. We already navigate through our lives with the help of numerous apps, but seriously, during a pandemic they come as an even bigger help. Indeed, I’ve found that utilizing certain apps like Zoom and Slack not only became essentials for work, but also for maintaining social connections when physical distancing takes a toll on us.

Never Underestimate a Good Internet Connection

Similarly, having experienced network issues during critical project completion hours and Zoom meetings, I understood that it’s crucial to ensure the availability of good internet connection wherever you decide to station yourself. A hint? Always have a backup plan. Make sure you have a reachable cafe, co-working space, or even a SIM card handy as a backup.

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Nurture Local Connections

As a digital nomad, your local network will be your savior in times of lockdown. Following my ill-timed move to Bali when the country went into a sudden lock-down, I realized the importance of building strong relationships within the local community. These relationships not only facilitated easy access to essentials during the lockdown, but it felt comforting to share the burden of pandemic with locals who knew the area inside out.

Be Vigilant about Health and Safety

Living and working from new locations amidst a pandemic cannot be void of health concerns. Let me share an instance from my life. Just when I began with my digital nomad journey in Cambodia, I fell sick the very second week. Thankfully, it wasn’t COVID, but it raised an alarm regarding the importance of health precautions when traveling. Therefore, always keep an eye on local health advisories, carry your health essentials, and never compromise on health insurance. You can check out options like SafetyWing for comprehensive plans.

Keep an Eye on Travel Restrictions and Advisories

Another learning has been to keep a close look at the latest travel restrictions, advisories, and immigration rules of my potential destinations. Trust me, winding up in a new country and being greeted by unexpected quarantines is no fun! Regularly checking websites like the IATA Travel Centre saved me from many such unpleasant surprises.

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Being adaptable is Everything

And lastly, the major mantra to survive as a digital nomad in pandemic times is to be adaptable. From adapting to technology, adjusting schedules to different time zones, to managing work amidst travel disruptions – adaptability is the key to keep moving forward and still deliver your best. My experience says, the more flexible you are, the smoother your journey will be. So, embrace the new normal, dust off your laptops, pack your essentials, and get ready to embark on your journey in this pandemic-riddled world. I took the leap and transformed the challenge into an adventure. Now it’s your turn! Safe travels!

Jon Mullen

Greetings! I'm Jon, a digital nomad and storyteller on a perpetual quest for discovery. Originating from Chicago, Illinois, I fuse technology with my wanderlust, chronicling the highs, lows, and everything in between on this thrilling journey. Dive into my blog for insights, tips, and a front-row seat to the nomadic adventure!