The Untold Story of Remote Work Burnout

When box-packed laptops and internet modems first found their way to our doorsteps, it felt like an exciting new adventure. We were ushering in a new era – the era of remote work. Fast forward a few months down the line, and it’s turned into a never-ending telenovela – all dramatic plot twists and no commercial breaks. You may be thinking to yourself, “How’d I quickly go from ‘freedom and flexibility’ to ‘Where did my sunshine go?'”. Trust me, you’re not alone. I remember the giddy feeling when I first transitioned to remote work. The idea of being able to roll out of bed and be at work was enticing. Also, no rush hour traffic, no unnecessary social interactions, the freedom to wear yoga pants to work – what’s there not to love? But I quickly realized that it was also a recipe for burnout if not managed properly. The lines between professional and personal life became blurred. While it held obvious benefits, the lack of balance soon started taking a toll. Before long, I found myself in the middle of midnight deadlines and waking up to an unending mound of emails. If you can relate, then, my friend, we’re talking about remote work burnout.

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The Unseen Side to Remote Work Burnout

It may come as a surprise to some, but remote work burnout is on the rise. Harvard Business Review highlights how the pressure to stay connected 24/7 is leading to workers feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and, yes, burnt out. I witnessed myself how easily the eight-hour workday could morph into twelve hours or more due to miscommunication, missed emails, or just because there were no physical boundaries to my work. A massive outcry from the remote working community is, “Where do we draw the line?”.

Avoiding the Flames of Burnout

Before we move on, let’s take a moment to acknowledge that it’s okay. Burnout happens to the best of us. Bridging the gap between work-life and home-life has always been a challenge. Still, working remotely under pandemic pressure has magnified the impact. Super effective hacks to combat this burnout can be found on, like this one from Mind Tools. I can’t stress enough the importance of drawing boundaries. Much like you wouldn’t bring your dining chair to your office, you should avoid bringing your office to your bed. Sure, it may sound absurd, but believe me – it makes a huge difference. Take regular breaks. Remember the tea from the office vending machine that gave you the perfect excuse to stretch your legs? That’s right! Mimic these habits at home. And oh, don’t forget to connect with fellow humans, and not just through screens. Nothing beats the comfort of social interaction.

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The Way Forward

The future of work is remote. But, this shouldn’t translate to unending workdays and zero balance. By addressing the challenge posed by remote work burnout, we can help to reshape a healthier and more fruitful work environment for everyone involved. Let’s channel our energy into maintaining our physical and mental health while we navigate through this uncharted world of remote work. We have different circumstances, distinct roles, separate paths, and thus unique burnout causes. So, it’s essential to identify our triggers and manage them in ways that suit us best. We don’t have to do it alone. Forums like are great platforms to connect, share, and learn from others’ experiences. In conclusion, remote work doesn’t have to mean contending with burnout. By establishing boundaries, maintaining social connections, and paying attention to our wellbeing, we can negate the stress of working remotely and embrace the freedom and flexibility it provides.

Jon Mullen

Greetings! I'm Jon, a digital nomad and storyteller on a perpetual quest for discovery. Originating from Chicago, Illinois, I fuse technology with my wanderlust, chronicling the highs, lows, and everything in between on this thrilling journey. Dive into my blog for insights, tips, and a front-row seat to the nomadic adventure!